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5 Reasons You Should Contact an Attorney for An Initial Consultation

Rapa Law Office, P.C. June 7, 2021

When a tough situation such as a car accident, arrest or divorce impacts your life, you may be unsure whether to seek legal advice. Fortunately, many attorneys offer free consultations to listen to your case and determine if they can assist you.

Review these five reasons to contact an experienced attorney to advocate for you.

Understand the Complexities of The Law

Attorneys know the nuances of the federal, state and local laws in their practice areas. They can interpret these regulations and explain them to you in a way that clarifies how these laws impact your options.

Access Negotiation Skills

Not everyone has the knowledge and experience to negotiate a favorable agreement. When facing a legal situation such as property division in a divorce, your attorney will work on behalf of your best interests.

Protect Legal Rights

If you face criminal charges in Pennsylvania, an attorney can help plead your case in court. You might be eligible for a diversion program or downgraded charges depending on the nature of the offense, your criminal history and other factors.

Alleviate Stress and Anxiety

When you need peace of mind in a challenging situation, an attorney can provide relief by explaining your options. Often, the reality of your choices will offer a positive outlook compared to the imagined impact of your legal issue.

Stand on Equal Footing

When you expect to face someone in court who has legal representation, having legal representation of your own levels the playing field.

If any of these reasons apply to your circumstances, a free consultation with an attorney may offer the insight you need to move forward.