When you face a criminal charge in court, the burden of proof is on the prosecutor. That means that the prosecutor must offer evidence to show that you committed the crime.
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Is Chapter 13 Right for You?
If you struggle to repay your debts, you may consider debt relief in the form of bankruptcy. Bankruptcy has the potential to drastically improve your finances and overall quality of life, but before you file...
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Understanding Creditor Harassment
If you fall behind on paying your bills, you may notice debt collectors trying to contact you. The purpose of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is to protect consumers from harassment, abuse or oppression by creditors.
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What Factors Into Custody Decisions?
Whether you are divorcing or there is another situation requiring the court to consider custody of your minor child, the court will always base its ruling on what is best for the child.
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4 Signs You Need to Rework Your Existing Will
If you already have a will, you are doing better than most. In fact, nearly 70% of Americans have not taken the steps to draft even a simple estate planning document.
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How Can I Save Money on My Divorce?
Divorce is very “expensive” emotionally, but it also can be very expensive monetarily. Some individuals focus only on costs associated with potential alimony payments or child support...
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What Are the Symptoms of A Severe Concussion?
Pennsylvania residents like you may experience a concussion after a head injury. Concussions are the most common type of head injury. A concussion is sometimes hard to pinpoint when mild.
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Why Is Personal Compatibility with An Executor Important?
Pennsylvania residents like you put a lot of work into your estate during your life. You build up your assets all throughout your career. It makes sense that you want to put forth every effort to protect them for your loved ones.
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Will Your Estate Face Probate in Pennsylvania?
When you create a will, you name an executor to handle your final affairs. During the probate process, the Pennsylvania court will supervise the executor as he or she gathers, values and distributes the estate assets.
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Reduce Probate Costs with A Simple Will
It is tempting to delay drafting a will in Pennsylvania. However, it enables you to take care of loved ones after you are gone. The state steps in and distributes assets as it sees fit if there is no will.