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Do I Need to Update My Will?

Once you have a will or estate plan established, you may think you never have to worry about it again. However, not updating your documents periodically could be lead to unfortunate circumstances for your loved ones.

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Should You Try out Parallel Parenting?

As a divorcing parent looking for ways to co-parent peacefully, you may feel like many of the traditional options do not work for you. Shared custody, for example, often requires a high level of communication and cooperation that simply does not suit every divorcee.

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The Difference Between Complete and Incomplete SCIs

After a car accident, it is normal for anyone to want to put that trauma behind them as quickly and as smoothly as possible. But some injuries risk long-term recovery or even life-long disability.

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Is Equitable Distribution Possible During a Divorce?

While it may seem an impossible task, divorce proceedings often attempt to quantify a marriage by considering elements like economic and financial circumstances, emotional contributions and the length of the relationship.

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How Does No-Fault Work in Pennsylvania?

When it comes to auto accidents, states are either tort states or no-fault states. Pennsylvania is a no-fault state.

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What Basics Should My Estate Plan Cover?

Creating an estate plan for the first time can seem like a daunting task. There are so many things you can put into it that you may not know where to start.

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What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

When you get injured due to someone else’s negligence, the physical damage may affect different parts of the body, but what happens when you suffer a brain injury?

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What Distinguishes a Felony from A Misdemeanor?

When you face criminal charges, the crime will have a classification. Classifications include misdemeanor or felony.

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Should You File for Bankruptcy?

If you are having a hard time financially, you may wonder if bankruptcy can help with your situation. Filing personal bankruptcy can eliminate your debts and help you get a fresh financial start, and this is a legal process many people undergo every year.

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Are You Dealing with Debt Collector Harassment?

Dealing with debt is already a stressful matter in and of itself. So the last thing you need on top of that is even more stress, in the form of harassment from a debt collector.

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