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How Long Can Creditors Try to Collect Old Debts?

When you are struggling to keep up with your debt, it can be frustrating to get a phone call from a collector asking for payment on an old bill you may not even remember owing. Fortunately, there are limitations on how long creditors can pursue old debts.

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Going Over Statistics on Bankruptcy

If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, it is important to know that you are not alone. Across the country, many people file for bankruptcy each year and you should review statistics on these filings in order to understand the prevalence of these claims.

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Child Support and Income Withholding Limits

If you are in the early stages of getting a divorce, you could have a number of questions. For example, you might have uncertainty about what will happen to your assets, such as the family home, vehicles and items with sentimental value.

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How Many Traffic Crashes Result in Injuries and Death?

If you worry about the risk of a motor vehicle collision, you should take steps to reduce the likelihood of an accident. For example, avoid driving when you are excessively tired and do not become distracted while driving.

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5 Reasons You Should Contact an Attorney for An Initial Consultation

When a tough situation such as a car accident, arrest or divorce impacts your life, you may be unsure whether to seek legal advice. Fortunately, many attorneys offer free consultations to listen to your case and determine if they can assist you.

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Taking Control of Your Finances During Divorce

Getting divorced means there could be substantial changes to your finances. Depending on your situation, you may have had consistent help with earning an income and paying bills prior to your split.

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Why You Need an Estate Plan When You Have Minor Children

Estate planning involves additional aspects when you have minor children. To ensure a secure future for your family, you need to plan carefully.

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Unpaid Medical Expenses May Require a Personal Bankruptcy

A serious illness could require an individual to take time off from work to recover or to help a spouse or child regain health.

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How to Prepare for The Job Market After a Divorce

You may not have been the primary breadwinner in your marriage. So if you and your spouse decide to divorce, you may wonder if you can earn a living by yourself once your divorce is complete.

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Preparing for Property Division in Your Pennsylvania Divorce

Pennsylvania is an equitable distribution state, meaning that in the property division phase of divorce, you will not necessarily see a 50-50 split but rather a fair distribution of assets.

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